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Installation - Standalone FalconDB

Standalone FalconDB contains:

  • falcondb directory, which stores the falcondb falcon-db-core-microservice-${version}-fat.jar file and envs file with START_JVM_COMMAND with the system properties needed for run (these properties can be changed here)
  • jdk directory, which stores Java files needed to run application
  • Licence directory, which stores FalconDB's licence
  • start.bash script for running FalconDB
  • stop.bash script for stopping FalconDB
  • terminate.bash script for terminating FalconDB's process.

Untar .tar.gz file

To untar standalone FalconDB, use the following command:

tar -xvf falcondb-single-node-prod-microservice-${VERSION}.tar.gz
# and go into the unpacked directory
cd falcondb-single-node-prod-microservice-${VERSION}-release/

Start FalconDB

To start FalconDB, simply run the following script:

bash start.bash

Stop FalconDB

To stop FalconDB, run the following script:

bash stop.bash

Terminate FalconDB

To terminate FalconDB, run the following script:

bash terminate.bash

which firstly tries to gently stop the application (using stop.bash script) and if the process is not stopped, it kills it.