To configure FalconDB, edit startJvmCommand
properties inside core-microservice.tar.gz/conf/conf.yml
defines path to the logs of the microservice. By default,${ont_app_logs_path}
defines port on which the microservice will be started. By default,${ont_port_1}
defines expire time for read lock in milliseconds. By default,30000
defines how often database should be flushed (data from memory put into the database file, so it's state is permanent) in milliseconds. By default,60000
defines default expire time for barriers in milliseconds. By default,600000
defines path where the database file is or will be created. By default,${ont_node_manager_path}/storage/database.file
defines path to the directory, which stores database backup files. By default,${ont_node_manager_path}/storage/backup
defines path to the directory, which stores files saved to the database. By default,${ont_node_manager_path}/storage/files
defines path to the health check file. By default,${ont_node_manager_path}/storage/health-check/health-check.file
defines path to the files, which will contains UID, which holds permit to delete database tables. By default,${ont_node_manager_path}/storage/uid/uid.file
defines size of the database in MB. By default,2048
defines if the database size should be computed on storage error. By default,false
defines if the database garbage collector should be run. By default,false
defines max size of a chunk to be written to the file in database. By default,262144
defines max size of a chunk, which will be read from the file in database. By default,262144