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Status 200

This status, means the request was executed correctly. To get more information about the result of the process, investigate the response headers.

Response headers

  • operation-code defines status of the operation.
  • operation-message defines output message of the operation.
  • operation-message-key defines output message key, so other systems can map the output however it needs.


  • equals 0, when the operation is correctly executed and the output was as expected.
  • not equals 0, when the operation is correctly executed, but the output was not completely as expected (for example, the object with a key passed as URL param was not found).

Status 420

Response with status code 420, means that there was an error, while executing the request. The origin of 420 (unofficial) status code is Spring Framework and it's 420 Method Failure, which perfectly fits any errors, which could happen in FalconDB.

The body of every response with status 420 is HttpErrorDTO with the following properties:

  • errorMessage
  • errorMessageKey
  • errorStackTrace