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Load Balancers



There are two load balancers in every node: Internal Load Balancer and Edge Load Balancer.

Internal Load Balancer works on port 8021, and it is used only for internal communication between applications. Communication with this Load Balancer should be closed with e.g. firewall.

Edge Load Balancer works on port 8020, and it is used for external communication.

Disabling/Enabling load balancers in application configuration

You can specify if given application should be available in each load balancer in application configuration.

  healthCheckUrl: 'http://localhost:${ont_port_1}'
    - entity:
        priority: 1
        port: ${ont_port_2}
          type: 'HTTP'
          version: '1.1'
        isExternal: true
        isInternal: true

If isExternal property is set to true, application will be accessible in Edge Load Balancer, which means application will be exposed to external traffic.

If isInternal property is set to true, application will be accessible in Inner Load Balancer, which means application will be exposed to internal traffic.